How does the narcissist feel when you move on?

Narcissists might still care when you move on and this becomes quite apparent because such people tend to be too egoistic and self-centered. They seek attention constantly and so do not want you to move on. They will do everything possible to prevent this. It does not matter if you are the one that broke up or it was the other way. What happens when you give a narcissist the silent treatment?  According to the experts, this is a powerful technique to keep such a person away from you.

Here are some signs to determine whether a narcissist still care for you.

  • Texting and calling
  • Using social media to contact you
  • Pleading or begging to take them back
  • Interfere with your romantic life
  • Rant to friends
  • Stalk you

What happens when a narcissist’s double life is exposed?

Narcissists have certain inherent aspects such as compulsive lying to conceal the identity by wearing different masks in public and private. Their aim is to maintain the appearance of good person. He or she hides behind curtain, furthering own image with deceit, coercion, lies and manipulation.

Once you pull back that mask and expose the narcissist, you take the first step towards taking power away from the person that hurts you. Once you are aware of this power, it opens up the road forward towards full healing and can leave that person with the masks behind.  For the narcissist this is all about power and control so once you expose them they do everything possible to prove you wrong. There might be rage, bullying, cruelty with use of fear, obligation and guilt.

How long does it take a narcissist to come back?

Some basic factors determine how long the narcissist is going to take to return after an exposure or once you choose to leave him or her.

  • Relationship style
  • Presence of alternative self-esteem building source or narcissistic supply
  • Permanency of your decision to leave the narcissist person

The narcissist might think to come back when the person they moved to next disappoints or makes them angry for some reason. In that case, the first one starts to appear appealing again so they reach out to you for connection. Recyclers value familiarity.

How does a narcissist act when found out

When you are the one that chooses to leave the narcissist upon found out become prepared for bargaining, pleading or begging. This is because they hate to lose their supply and do not let you escape easily. They are going to promise you that they are going to change and even start doing the things that you complained about to get you to stay. If you cut off all communication, the narcissist is going to contact you any way they can and say just the things that might make your return. They will use all the common connections on social media to slide in your life and even use friends for making you jealous.

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