How long does it take a burn blister to heal?

Blisters refer to small fluid pockets that form in upper skin layers following damage. Blisters might develop anywhere but are common on the feet and hands. Clear fluid or serum fills most blisters but there is collection of pus or blood in case of infection or inflammation. There is natural healing of the blisters in most cases within 3-7 days and this does not require any medical attention. Avoid bursting it or there might be infection, and the treatment for blisters from burns takes longer.

How do I heal a burn quickly?

For first-degree burns that affect the top skin layer, you need to cool this by holding under running water or immersing.  To protect the burn area cover with non-adhesive, sterile clean cloth or bandage. You can apply petroleum-based ointment 2-3 times daily. You need to seek medical help when there is indication of infections with increased pain, swelling, oozing, redness, or fever. You might need booster or tetanus shots based upon the last injection date. The condition is serious when there is burning of hands, feet, genitals or the face.

How do you know a burn is healing?

After burn injury, you undergo treatment for blisters from burns and the healing of the wound is in several phases. In the first stage, light color skin replaces the open wound.

In the second phase of healing, there are changes in the way your skin appears over 3-4 months and this becomes raised, stiffer, and darker. At this stage, scarring might be an issue because of the associated appearance and this makes the skin painful and stiff. During this time, rehabilitation is about lessening the chances of scarring so you may have to wear splints or pressure garments. Doing stretch exercises and massaging the scar also helps.

Finally, there is the maturation phase of the scar as the experts undertake the best way to treat a burn blister. This takes maximum one to two years where the normal tone of the skin returns and it turns flatter, softer. Keep wearing the splints or pressure garments and do stretch exercises. During this time, you can meet the plastic surgeon for burn reconstruction.

What helps burns heal faster?

Dressing changes in the initial phase is necessary because clean wound heals much faster and the faster the healing less will be the associated scarring. Make sure to protect skin from sun exposure along with the best way to treat a burn blister.


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